There are three steps to creating your customized website. Number three is
Web Design.
What goes into your website?
With so many possibilities where do you begin? How does it work?
Working with a
website designer
lets you focus on the content for your site. You know your business better than anyone—your goals and practices. Your website is the message you want to send to potential clients.How many pages do you need?
Google seeks out authoritative sites to present in a top search. Use your website to expound on your expertise. While people like graphics and images Google feeds on text. You need to have a sizable presence online for organic searches. (Non pay-per-click advertising.) My first client began with 10 pages and currently has over 500 pages.
Each website is custom designed and expandable. Included in every website:
search engine optimization
(SEO)/meta for all pagesphoto image optimization
- minor photo editing/correction
- navigational menu, design graphics and layout
budget for professional photos
The advantages of professional photography are numerous—set aside a line in your budget.
- save your time for what you do best
- visitors expect slick, polished photography
- keep your brand unique
- avoid a home-made look
- Google indexes original photos favorably
- stock photos may turn up on your competitors' sites
so many choices
A short list of add-ons:
- JavaScript/jQuery slide shows
- JavaScript image magnifier
- click-to-enlarge
- blog installed and setup
- mobile website
- complete photo editing
- custom logo
- rollovers
- CGI/PHP forms (fill-in online forms)
- PayPal secure shopping—for one item or a full inventory.
- Google Analytics
- video conversion
- website photography from Douglas Simon Photography & Video
- video & webmercials from Douglas Simon Photography & Video
- web hosting *Only for Brenda's website clients, we do not sell to third parties.
It is common practice in web design for the designer to claim the copyright for the website created. I choose not implement this practice. The client owns the copyright on their website and all rights to use and assign all elements therein. Brenda Simon Creations retains the right to display graphics and other web design elements as examples in my portfolio with a footer credit placed on client’s website. You will own and have a copy of your completed website and all its components.